How CloudFlare client-side DDOS detection works

I was looking through Hacker News today, and upon clicking one of the links a screen popped up, pictured below:


This is interesting. What kind of technique does CloudFlare employ to detect potential DDOS attacks inside the browser?

The answer turned out to be simple – let’s dive in.

The page consists of two parts, a form:

<form id="ChallengeForm" action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="jschl"/>
<input type="hidden" name="jschl_vc" value="afc458a1300ed9eb1a853d757eadd306"/>
<input type="hidden" id="jschl_answer" name="jschl_answer"/>

And a small piece of JavaScript:


The form has a unique hidden value (jschl_vc) and an empty hidden value (jschl_answer).

The Javascript snippet calculates a mathematical challenge – in our case 9+50*1, which it inserts into jschl_answer and submits the form.

The jschl_vc form field uniquely identifies the challenge to CloudFlare, so that the backend knows what the answer should be. If jschl_answer is interpreted as being the correct result, a cookie called cf_clearance is created with a unique id that identifies the user as having verified the challenge.

In summary

The Cloudflare page checks whether the user has JavaScript enabled.

This looks like a really effective technique against primitive DDOS floods, which issue simple GET requests to a server.

Below are links to the full source of the page:


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6 Comments on “How CloudFlare client-side DDOS detection works”

  1. […] back two authentication cookies which attached to each request allow to normally crawl the site. Here‘s the description of how it works. You can check it in action on as well, just […]

  2. Lyo Mi Says:

    I love how they say
    “Please allow up to 5 seconds.”

    and the javascript reads
    setTimeout([…], 5850);

    So there’s no way this “challenge” will be complete in up to five seconds. 😉

  3. sadbuttrue Says:

    how to find ddos and how to determine when ddos workimg in you computer

  4. […] autenticación que se adjunta a cada solicitud de permitir a la que normalmente rastrear el sitio. Aquí‘s la descripción de cómo […]

  5. […] cookies d'authentification qui joint à chaque demande permettent normalement d'explorer le site. Ici's la description de la façon dont il […]

  6. […] di autenticazione che è collegato a ogni richiesta di consentire la normale scansione del sito. Qui‘la descrizione di come […]

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