Posted tagged ‘oscars’

Slumdog Millionaire: Thoughts and impressions


slumdog-millionaire-movie-posterI’m gonna go with B, Regis

I finished watching Slumdog Millionaire a few hours ago, and have been mostly sitting down trying to let the movie sink in, just like a big meal. Somehow that seems an appropriate comparison. Slumdog Millionaire is filled to the brim with a lot of things. Drama – Check, Love – Check, Passion – Check, Violence – Check. There really isn’t much left out. Without saying too much about the plot, we follow slumdog chai-boy Jamal as he tries to win over the girl of his dreams by participating in the Indian version of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire. Due to accusations of cheating for doing overly well, Jamal is forced to explain to a police officer how he know the answers to all of the questions on the show, and so the epic tale of his life from early childhood begins. As we travel we see the old and the new India – a country in violent change with the influence of modern day society, with urbania slowly creeping outwards from the big cities, swallowing the slums – the film definitely deserves its cinematography Oscar, and the same goes for the musical score, which was breathtaking. I award this movie seven out of ten function points.












For all of you who want to know more or want my non-spoiler-free opinion, keep reading below!

Warning: Spoilers below!slumdog-millionaire-poster1This is not an accurate representation of Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire was rapidly approaching an epic movie, the elements were all there, but the cringe-worthy ending was such a huge letdown. (Although the dance number at the end made up for it a little) Whoever designed the poster pictured above didn’t seem to notice how most of movie portrays a dark and inhospitable India, but had his eyes peeved at the last ten minutes of the movie, which had the sweetest fairytale ending ever. I don’t hate fairytale endings, it was just that I didn’t expect a finalé that was interchangeable with a cheesy MTV production. Although don’t’t get me wrong, I might have scolded this picture, but it is  by no means a bad one, although I can’t believe it took home an entire eight Oscars, it’s still a good alternative take and interesting integration with foreign culture, which I hope to see more of in the future.